Pulling away from the house was emotionally overwhelming for me. It is the first time that my UBe is not curled up on my lap ready for her road trip. By Vegas I had worked my way through two teary breakdowns. Such is life when you lose a soulmate.
West of Vegas has us heading up and out of the city on hwy 160 into some stunning and rugged mountainous terrain. Over the Mountain Springs Pass we went - up to the summit of 5500 ft. Warning signs for wild mules and horses had me on high alert for a sighting but no luck in that department. On the other side of the beautiful and ever so rugged pass we travel down to the large and vast Mohave. This is one huge basin that is flat and as far as the eye can see. The highway stretches out and over the horizon..the temperatures dropped so low overnight in this area that the mountain peaks have a dusting of snow from the light rains In the area. We are driving along the edge of Death Valley ... but no heat in the area today. Just cold, rainy winds !
West of Pahrump, we pulled into our RV Park for the night. Joe was ever so glad that we had reached our destination for the day. Driving a big RV in high winds (the highway signs warned of high winds) is very tiring. We are in Nevada Treasure RV Resort which is absolutely lovely. The RV sites are clean and paved and level. It is a themed "Tiki" RV park on 19 acres of land. To the west we have a beautiful view of the Spring Mountains. We are literally in the shadow of the Toiyabe national Forest in the Pahrump valley. for my RV friends...www.nvtreasure.com is the website for this park.
The weather doesn't permit a nice steak on the BBQ so it's lasagna tonight. As RV'ers, we have learned that a backup meal on days like this is a must. So we are comfy in our warm home on wheels for the night. If the current storm blows over, we will venture out for a walk and check out this lovely place.
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